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School Trustees honored during Board Recognition Month

School Trustees honored during Board Recognition Month
Desiree Coyle

Students recognized the WSISD Board of Trustees with special gifts during the January meeting. 

A student from every school presented WSISD Board of Trustees members with a gift as part of School Board Recognition Month. This year’s theme is Leadership for Tomorrow’s Texas.

Pictured (front row, l-r) are: Grace Gomez, Liberty Elementary; Hazel Pile, North STEAM Academy; Eldon Myers, Fine Arts Academy; Levi Veale, Blue Haze Elementary; Carter Hicks, West Early Learners Academy; (back row) Molinar, Voldie Mulula, Tannahill Intermediate; Aiden Tribble, Brewer Middle; Caitlin James, Brewer High; and Ben Davis, Raymond Patterson, Krystal Arnold, Amanda Sanchez and John Bradley, trustees. Not pictured are Jeremy Lelek and Glen Lowry.

“As trustees, you volunteer your time and expertise to guide our school district, and you strive to create meaningful educational experiences and opportunities that prepare our students for college, careers, and beyond,” said Superintendent Frank Molinar.



  • Brewer High
  • Brewer High School
  • West
  • blue haze
  • blue haze elementary
  • brewer middle
  • brewer middle school
  • fine arts academy
  • liberty elementary
  • north elementary
  • tannahill intermediate
  • west elementary