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Bond and Debt Information

Texas Comptrollor's Transparency Star

As part of our continuing commitment to transparency and accountability to our community, White Settlement ISD provides summary information about our current debt.  The Debt Transparency report includes information about the Debt Service Fund Activity for the previous fiscal year along with details such as source of debt, original date of issue, maturity date, purpose, and outstanding balances.

Bond Ratings

It is the goal of the District to address the projected growth of White Settlement ISD while minimally impacting the total debt of the District.

Debt Outstanding is the principal owed over the remaining life of all debt issues.                                   
Tax-Supported Debt is backed by a pledge of property taxes levied within the issuer's boundaries. Some tax-supported debt may be secured by a combination of property taxes and other revenue sources. It generally must be voter-approved (with exceptions for Cos, tax notes, school district maintenance tax notes, certain county road bonds and contractural obligations of personal property.)

  Amount Per Capita Student Per Capita Population
    6,895 36,442
Total Outstanding Debt Obligations  $     513,156,387  $           35,195  $          6,659
Total Tax Supported Debt Obligations  $         2,457,701  $                 339  $               64
Grand Total  $     515,614,088  $           35,534  $          6,723
History of Bonds
Outstanding Revenue Supported Debt by Year
Outstanding Revenue Supported Debt by Year per Student Enrollment
Outstanding Tax Supported Debt by Year
Outstanding Tax Supported Debt by Year per Student Enrollment