Contracts and Procurement Transparency Information
The following table represents WSISD’s spending and contracting activities as a whole along with per student spending for 2023-2024.
Texas Comptroller Contracts and Procurement Transparancy Summaries
White Settlement ISD eBid System (Ionwave)
The White Settlement ISD eBid System hosts may different functions. This system provides the following information: Bid Documents, Awarded Contacts and Vendors, Vendor Registration, and Currently Open and Closed Bid Opportunities.
Dataset on White Settlement ISD Contracting
The White Settlement ISD eBid system provides an up to date bank of information for contracting opportunities that are currently open, closed, and awarded. This dataset provides a snapshop of this information for the past three completed fiscal years. Fiscal years included in this dataset is FY 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
WSISD Contracting Data Set (Excel)
Vendor Lists
Check Registers