Social Media Guidelines
Rules of Engagement
These social networking pages are designed to communicate White Settlement ISD's social news. WSISD reserves the right to delete or remove a posting that violates any of the rules below:
- No abusive, obscene, vulgar or inappropriate language or postings (this includes remarks that are racist, homophobic, sexist or sexually explicit)
- No comments that easily identify students and/or staff in a defamatory, abusive or generally negative tone
- Respect copyrights and fair use laws; no plagiarism - give proper credit for other's work
- No comments or postings that do not show proper consideration for other's privacy or are likely to offend or provoke others
- No repeated posts with the same messages over and over again
Formal grievances or concerns should be directed to White Settlement ISD per the appropriate Board Policy, found online at
Digital Responsibility/Social Media Course for Staff
WSISD staff wishing to utilize social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and online communication tools with students and families are required to complete a Social Media/Digital Responsibility Course in Canvas.
Staff must first complete the course and then submit a request to create a social media account. Upon course completion, the Social Media Request Form will be available.
Use the link below to begin this course and learn expectations for social media in WSISD.