Child Find for Special Programs
White Settlement Independent School District has special services available to eligible infants, children, and young adults identified with a disability. Federal and state laws require that school districts maintain a CHILD FIND system for identifying, locating, and evaluating individuals with suspected disabilities (birth through age 21) within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and related services. Our CHILD FIND efforts include advertising the availability of services through media, public notices, staff training, and letters to private schools, physicians, nursing homes, group homes, and hospitals.
3 to 21 Years of Age
A referral for a suspected disability can be made by a parent/guardian. If you know of someone with a suspected delay or disability, please contact the White Settlement ISD Special Programs department. With the consent of the parent or guardian a full individual evaluation (FIE) may be conducted to determine the child’s eligibility and need for services.
Private/Home School Students Referrals
Referrals are accepted primarily from parents, private school administrators, or physicians for students who reside in White Settlement ISD or attend a private school located within White Settlement ISD boundaries.
If you would like to make a referral, please complete the link below.
Kerry Cooper
Special Programs Director
8500 Rockway Drive
White Settlement, Texas 76108