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Homeless Student Support

White Settlement ISD Homelessness Liaisons

Michelle Soileau
Student Support Counselor
Virtual Office

Lauren Vines, LMSW, LCDC
Student Support Counselor

Students without a permanent address or essential enrollment documents or immunizations may have the right to immediate enrollment if they qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act. This federal legislation protects the rights of student living in one of the following situations:

  • Doubled-up with friends or family due to recent loss of housing and economic hardship
  • Living in a hotel or motel due to a recent loss of housing and economic hardship
  • Living in a shelter (homeless, domestic violence, run-away)
  • Living in a tent, car, van, abandoned building, or the streets, at a campground, in the park, or other un-sheltered location

Students who are unaccompanied (not living with a legal parent or guardian) may also have the right to immediate school enrollment.

Students who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act may be eligible for transportation assistance to school and Free and/or Reduced Meals. For additional information, and to determine if your child can enroll under the McKinney-Vento Act, contact Lauren Vines, McKinney-Vento Liaison for White Settlement ISD

Lauren Vines, LMSW, LCDC
Student Support Counselor

Further information and supports can be found at the  Texas Homeless Education Office.
