Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration
Register today for Pre-K & Kindergarten at the new West Early Learners Academy!
Pre-K students must be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1 and meet eligibility requirements.
Current WSISD pre-k students will NOT register for kindergarten.
Current families will complete Returning Student Verification.
The West Early Learners Academy will serve all WSISD pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students beginning with the 2024-25 school year. The school will provide our youngest learners with a solid foundation in early literacy and math.
Every child will have the opportunity to explore scenes and places beyond the school walls and WSISD community. The walls and ceilings will pop with scenery like mountains, waterfalls, forests and animals throughout the world. The school will offer a city system that includes a bank, store, hospital, restaurant and much more.
Click here to learn more about the West Early Learners Academy!
Upon completion of the online registration, parents must schedule an in person appointment (child must also be present). Our staff will conduct an assessment and verify your documents to complete enrollment.
Please review the eligibility requirements and gather your registration documents before completing online registration.
Pre-K Registration Info.
Kindergarten Registration Info.
Kindergarten Dual Language Program
The West Early Learners Academy offers a two-way Immersion Dual Language program for Spanish and English speaking kindergarten students.
Requests for 2025-26 will open in January 2025
Participation in Dual Language continues at Liberty Elementary and the North STEAM Academy in first through fifth grades.
Click the link for more information about WSISD's Dual Language program.
Pre-K Registration
Pre-kindergarten students must be 4 on or before Sept. 1.
The West Early Learners Academy provides a full-day program that serves all WSISD pre-kindergarten and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) students.
Pre-kindergarten enables young learners to develop foundational academic and social skills for success in kindergarten and beyond.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten students must be on or before Sept. 1.
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, all WSISD kindergartners will attend the West Early Learners Academy. WSISD provides a full-day program that enhances the social and cognitive development of our early learners and equips them with the foundations for learning.